When we launched our new site in 2020 we had over 500 different caliber variations. The problem we found was by expanding our library of calibers there was a lot more logistics involved in handling so many different calibers. The bigger problem however was on the buying side, we needed to buy and stock these less popular rounds and when we tried to purchase them from our distributors they often were not available. Since we have a service where we let anyone sign up for anything, these hard-to-find calibers were stuck in “Queue” for months and even years sometimes. That wasn’t a good experience for our customers so in 2022 we decided to trim our offerings down to the 60 most common caliber variations that we felt we could keep stocked and available.
At this time we have no plans to offer those hard-to-find calibers. If you have discontinued inventory with us you should still be able to buy up to the next full box (on most calibers) in order to ship out. Please contact customer service if you need any assistance.
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